Home About the Artist Gallery Commission info

About the Artist

My existence began in the year 1987 but it took me at least three years to figure out how to hold a pen the right way and I've been drawing since. By now I've worked with two webcomics, made eight graphic novels and even sat in an art school for few years. And still going strong! I'm currently focusing on drawing monster boys and girls, plotting my webcomic and drinking too much coffee.

- Tikaka

Tumblr - My art blog
Instagram - My art Instagram
Twitter - Mostly reports from conventions I go to in Finnish
DeviantArt - My DeviantArt

Past events attended

14.-15.7.2018 Finncon artist alley in Turku
28.-29.4.2018 Kummacon's artist alley in Oulu
10-11.6.2017 Maracon's artist alley in Oulu, Kaijonharjun nuorisotalo
27.5.2017 Kummacon's artist alley in Oulu, Pohjankartano
4-5.3.2017 Matsucon's artist alley in Oulu, Pohjankartano
13.8.2016 Animeseminaari's artist alley in Oulu, Valve
6.8.2016 Chibicon's artist alley in Oulu, Pohjankartano
17-18.6.2016 Kummacon's artist alley in Oulu, Pohjankartano