Yet more Engrish at the hotel. "Please use the communal big bath for sorking and relaxing." Yeah yeah, I'll use it for sor... what?
Also, obviously with "bathroom time" they meant their Japanese communal bath, naturally bathroom had no schedule. XD

Unfortunately there's no photo of us sticking our faces into those, such spoilsports we are. (Also, K-on! uniform on the left.)

A cafe next to Akihabara station that definitely wasn't there the last time I visited.

The next day we decided to go check out Moomin Bakery & Cafe seeing as I'm such a fan of the series, and on our way there we passed this restaurant.

love that movie, I've watched it a thousand times in my life, and all of a sudden they throw something like this in front of me. In Japan. If that's not unexpected I got no idea what is.

AHAHA next to the door was the bench from the movie with props~ XD

THE COOLEST I'VE EVER BEEN~ ...Except for the belt bag maybe.

The store was wonderfully decorated with posters and photos reflecting events from the movie.

The best poster. :'3 If only it had been possible to
buy steal buy steal buy it.

I admit I hadn't really looked at any information about the part of Tokyo where Moomin Bakery & Cafe was, so it was a nice surprise to discover it was in an open amusement park. It seemed that you could roam quite freely there, but if you wanted to go on any of the rides you needed to buy tickets separately.

A very cute place: it's separated into two sides, the left one having a small bakery and different Moomin merchandise for sale and the right one being a small restaurant.

Lining up for the restaurant.

SERIOUS BUSINESS with Moominpapa.

Finnish! 8D Not only was the place's motto
Kaikki hauska on hyvää vatsalle, "everything fun is good for the stomach", this board on the wall had such adorable Finnish with little mistakes on it. :'3

And let's not forget there were bottles of Lapin Kulta.

...From the area we also found a clothing store by the name Laundry. UH.

And then something very different. I've always wanted a photo of myself in front of Condomania. XD Another dream
wasted fulfilled!

PythagoraSwitch on TV the next morning! :D You may remember these guys from the Algorithm March.

And yes, I went to watch the Hetalia movie. XD For some reason I really wanted to see what it's like to go watch movies in a theater in Japan. Something caught me off-guard right away: Japanese people actually seem to watch movies in the
morning, not evening and night like we do, so my Hetalia movie started at 9:30 am. It was one of the earliest movies of the day with the last ones starting at... around 14:00 I think.

A very... interesting sign I saw on the way. 8D Would
really like to know what they do at that place.

Then we visited the second cat cafe:
Cafe Jalala in Akihabara, the same one I visited two years ago when I was in Tokyo. Being to Nekobukuro (the earlier cat cafe) made me realize just how much I love this place, nothing wrong with Nekobukuro as a place, it had the most adorable interior decoration and some cute cats which seemed to be well cared for, but as I said the place was filled with children screaming and running around so the cats didn't really want to have much to do with anyone there. On my visits to Jalala I've only seen one kid there and she wasn't very young so she knew how to behave around cats, but I wonder if there's an age limit there or if the difference in customers has something to do with location: Nekobukuro is in the eighth floor of Tokyu Hands next to Sunshine City, meaning places absolutely filled with people so it's probably easy for a parent to leave the kid with the other parent at the place while doing shopping elsewhere, while Jalala is a bit of a walk from the train station in Akihabara and doesn't stand out too much there.
Anyway, Jalala is a pretty small place, but the atmosphere is so relaxed and nice there, it's nicely decorated for a small place like that too. Not only that, the cats always interact with customers a lot, which is quite a nice surprise because cats can be quite moody animals and prefer to be alone.
Curl was tired that day, he just kept lying on his back and loudly purred if someone rubbed his stomach while passing by.

Well hello there, Giant Cat Of Doom! Yes, say hi to Kuu/Coo again. :D The last time I asked his name they said it was Meikuu, but this time I was told it's just Kuu (or Coo as they like to write it in English), don't know where the beginning disappeared. Anyway, he decided to rest on the counter you were supposed to order drinks from.

Counter's no fun, let's lie on the floor instead.

D'aww, at one point he put his paw on my knee like that for the longest time, I just happily sat there all "okay, I'm not going anywhere~ 83"

Lala-chan's also the fluffy cat portrayed in their logo.

Brush time! Not all cats appreciated it, lol.

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