
Also known as: Ulex, Koomalaama
Birthday: June 26th, 1988
Location: Oulu, Finland
Languages: Finnish, English, some Swedish, German, Japanese, and Finnish sign language
Manga/anime: Golden Kamuy, A Bride's Story, Attack on Titan, Monster, Genshiken, Paranoia Agent, Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku (Legend of Koizumi)...
Comics: The Sandman, ElfQuest, Calvin and Hobbes
Creators: Naoki Urasawa, Satoshi Kon, Kaoru Mori, Neil Gaiman, Takako Shimura, Inio Asano, Sachiko Kaneoya
Games: Pokemon GO, Team Fortress 2
Other good stuff: Les Miserables, WWII, bara, Moomins, Forrest Gump
Coffee. Hedgehogs. Solitude. Otaku culture. Nerd stuff. One-track mind with fandoms.
Contact: kata(dot)elf(at)gmail(dot)com
DeviantART / Tumblr
Personal website for Kata's art, photos from Japan, and general randomness. Part of Kata's domain koomalaama.net. Layout version 8. Feel free to link, some banners can be found here.The site was previously known as "Endless Tea Party", but it was renamed "Katakoto" in March 2016. Koto is an oldish version of the Finnish word koti, "home", which works well together with my name.
Please don't take any pictures from this site and claim to be the one who drew them. Altering them or making them part of your own picture is also forbidden. If you really want to use either drawings or photos for something, please e-mail me and ask, I don't bite. :) Also, I would appreciate it if you didn't post pictures from this site on the net without linking back to the site. Thank you!