Here's a list of cosplay costumes I have made and worn (as well as photos of some).Tomoko Kuroki / Watamote / 2013
Thorin Oakenshield / The Hobbit / 2013
Brief / Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt / 2011
A quick costume to go with friends' Panty and Stocking cosplays.
Igiko (female England) / Axis Powers Hetalia / 2010
No doubt my favorite cosplay so far! Comfortable to wear and I love the wig.

Bonus! Germouser (Germany cat) / Axis Powers Hetalia / 2010
My cat as Germouser. :D This was such a silly idea, but the photo got surprisingly popular on the Internet so adding it here.

Liechtenstein / Axis Powers Hetalia / 2009
A rather fun costume to wear. The flag was also made by me.

Tsukasa Hiiragi / Lucky Star / 2008
Made to go with friend's Kagami cosplay.

Pacman / Pacman / 2007
Made with cardboard and plaster.

Lala / D.Gray-Man / 2007
Oh boy I hate how this costume came out, so no photos.
95-tan / OS-tans / 2006
My first costume that was made entirely by myself! For an OS-tan cosplay group.
Chise / Saikano / 2006
The very first costume I wore. Some parts of the costume were bought, some were made by me.